✅ Product research
✅ Our specific & EXACT settings for Facebook ad testing:
- Budgets
- Ad objectives
- Ages/ Countries to target
✅ Analyzing CPC, CPM & Relevance score
✅ Budget optimization for hitting break even points
✅ Profitably horizontal & vertical scaling
✅ Detailed interest targeting
✅ Retargeting
✅ + Everything updated for 2020
✅ Lifetime access and future updates guaranteed for one time purchase, so you will not miss anything!!
✅ Added Our CBO
✅ Added Full Video Course Of A-Z Facebook Advertising And Retargeting Explanation For 2020!
To impact millions of peoples lives in a positive way and help 10,000 people create a $1,000+ per day online income stream. To give you some perspective, currently we have already helped 782+ people make money online in the last year alone and it's growing daily. Along with that goal, we want to begin sharing value through our coaching and mentoring to every area of people's lives.
We want to master life in all areas and empower others to do the same in their own unique way. We want to help people wake up in the morning with a smile on their face, excited for what the day has to offer.
If you want to become successful in the Shopify game, all you need to do is message us on Instagram @AdsBlueprint and say the words 'Facebook Ads' and we will get back to you, and run you through the process, how our blueprints will help you, and if we are a good fit to work together.
IMPORTANT: Only message us if you're ready to make it happen and put in the work (and obviously invest in yourself) to make an extra $4,000 per month in online income.
This is the secret behind the crazy results you've been seeing from many entrepreneurs. The business model itself is very clear cut, black and white, you either DO IT... or you don't...
We have complied all of our knowledge into an easy-to-use 24 pages PDF document and 37 minutes video guide, this PDF and Video guide contains EVERYTHING we know in regards to making a living through advertising on Facebook, and the fact our team is giving it to you for only $29.99 today is a little crazy.